Creative Cabin



Traditional work commutes are destroying our environment and health. They are contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and shitty air quality – further, time spent sitting in cars is linked to higher rates of depression, stress, and obesity. Thankfully, as the age of digitalization becomes more prevalent, the once standard “9 to 5” is disappearing. 

By 2020, it is expected that at least 40% of the workforce will be freelancers, temp workers, independent contractors and solopreneurs – jobs that can be done from the comfort of home. However, working from the kitchen table or office-off-the-living room doesn’t provide mental separation or the ability to completely focus on work. As such, our clients asked us to build them a “third place.” Enter the Creative Cabin – a detached creative space, located in a suburban backyard right outside of DC.

The Creative Cabin features energy-efficient building systems, resilient building materials and decluttered minimalist interiors. It allows our clients to work remotely, save money, increase productivity, reduce their carbon footprint, and establish a better work-life balance. Most importantly, the Creative Cabin lets homeowners reclaim their most precious resource – time.

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